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gluten free

Recipes and ideas for a gluten free diet.

Fat hen

For a vegetable that looks like, and is often considered, a weed, fat hen is a worthwhile crop to seek out for its nutritional value.


Not only is a cucumber a refreshing snack on a hot day, it is also very versatile. You will find cucumbers in a soothing facial masque and a jar of pickles.

Sweet corn

An ear of corn buttered and seasoned to your liking is just the right thing to get you in the mood for a picnic. But, there is more to sweet corn than that summer favorite. Let's take a closer look at some of its better qualities and characteristics.


You may know chard by a number of different names, like Swiss chard, spinach beet, mangold, or silverbeet. But no matter what you call it, chard is a delicious and very nutritious green.


Corn has many possibilities as a grain. It is no wonder corn is such a mainstay in our diet. With so much versatility, nutrition, and deliciousness, corn is going to be around for a long time.

Bottle gourd

Let's take a look at what makes up this oddly named veggie.

The bottle gourd is grown on a vine, similar to a pumpkin, and can be harvested early in the year as a food, or much later as a utensil. Yes, once matured, the inside of this squash becomes tough and loses its flavor, so the only thing left to do is hollow out the vessel and use the mature, dried casing as a bottle, utensil, or pipe.