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nuts & seeds

Ideas with nuts and edible seeds.

Texas gourmet pecans

Texas gourmet pecans are high-quality pecans that are prepared, flavored, or packaged in unique and delicious ways, making them a gourmet treat, a delicious snack for your guests any time and particularly during the Holiday season.


Use hummus as a dip or a spread for sandwiches. It is especially good on toasted pita bread. Hummus is rich in fiber, iron and vitamin C. It is also a good source of protein.

Amish peanut butter

Amish peanut butter is a spread for bread rolls. Amish peanut butter can also be purchased from several companies that specialize in Amish foods, but why buy something that is easily made at home? This does make a rather large batch. It stores well in a sealed container, but making a half batch works well too.