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The activity of preparing food.


Campfire chef

We have something for breakfast and something for dinner. Lunch? Just put together some sandwiches, for you will be too busy enjoying nature. And with a hearty breakfast and a wonderful campfire dinner you are not going to need much more. We hope this will work for you.

Just toasted bread

Just toast but with all sort of exciting things on top. Use her ideas as source of inspiration and design your own toppings, sweet or savory, it does not matter, you are sure to create a temptation out of thin toast.

Sandwich making

Sandwiches have come a long way since 1762, when John Montague, Earl of Sandwich, reputedly asked a servant to bring him some meat between two slices of bread so that he could eat without having to leave the gaming table.

Hot or cold, sweet or savory, sure there is a sandwich to suit every occasion and every taste. With the variety of breads available today, it is easy to make the perfect sandwich to suit your mood.

Ideas for a picnic

When the weather turns warm, it is time to have a day out. That's why went on the hunt for picnic recipes, sandwiches, patties, pies and other delights which will help you put together irresistible picnic menus and convert an ordinary picnic in a true feast.