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The activity of preparing food.


Slow cookers

Slow cookers are typically earthenware. They have a low (175° F) and high (200°F) settings which enables them to cook over six to ten hours, depending on the model.

Microwave ovens

These appliances use high frequency electronic waves, similar to radio waves. The waves penetrate the food, causing the molecules to vibrate; the vibration generates heat, up to a depth of 1 1/2 inches, all round. Some models have a sensor to detect when the food is cooked. Combining convection and microwave cooking delivers microwave speed together with the toasted look of conventional cooking.

With a little practice, it is easy to control cooking conditions and get perfect results.

The year of the rabbit

I feel really tempted to say I was passionate about food as a child, but I was not. Of course, I used to watch my mother and grandmother in the kitchen and, amazed by the wonderful flavours they achieved, I tried my hand at cooking. My mother was willing to explain a little as she worked. However, she was not very patient. Having to cook for a large family, she did not wish to expend a minute more than strictly necessary in the kitchen.