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The activity of preparing food.


Food in Cuba

Cuban cuisine is as vibrant and varied as the array of cultures that contributed to the development of this distinct and delicious cuisine. In addition to the ancient influence of the native peoples of Cuba, the Spaniards brought their own culinary styles, marked by those of the Moors who held huge parts of Spain for centuries. The slaves that were brought from Africa made significant culinary and cultural contributions. The French colonists fleeing uprisings in Haiti brought their own culinary practices to the island, as well.

Food in Oklahoma

Oklahoma, located in the heart of the United States, is a melting pot of cultures and culinary influences. Boasting a rich history and diverse food scene, Oklahoma is known for its delicious, down-to-earth cuisine that reflects the state's agricultural heritage, Native American roots, and Southern charm. In this article, we will delve into the types of food produced in Oklahoma, the meals people enjoy daily, the state's iconic dishes, and some interesting recipes that are worth trying.