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The activity of preparing food.


The art of dining Chinese style

Chinese dining traditions go back thousands of years. The elaborate customs are an interesting mixture of practicality, superstition and social inertia. Westerners aren't expected to know the details but, as with learning a bit of the local language, it always helps. Following them will make for an enjoyable new experience and bring pleasure to a gracious host.

Shanghai style cuisine

Shanghai is one of the most prosperous, active and cosmopolitan cities in the world. At any given time there are over a thousand major construction projects taking place in this city of over 20 million. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that the cuisine of this region should be equally cosmopolitan.

Chinese food

Chinese food is famous for its bright colors, beautiful forms, tempting aromas and variety of flavors. It is more than the straight-forward, plentiful and cheap fare we are used to see in many Chinese restaurants over the world.