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Sprouting grains

There is a vast difference between regular grain and sprouted grain for the nutritional aspect as well as taste.

Grains are possibly one of the healthiest foods on the earth. They are filled with Omega 3s and also provide a great daily amount of roughage to support intestinal health. There is another type of grain, which is becoming more popular with each passing month, sprouted grains. Sprouted grains are starting to show up in everything from breads, to salads and even pastas.

Why sprouting grains is healthier than not

When examining the nutrient density of sprouted wheat to un-sprouted wheat on a calorie-per-calorie basis, you'll find that sprouted wheat contains four times the amount of niacin and nearly twice the amount of vitamin B6 and folate as un-sprouted wheat; moreover, it contains more protein and fewer starches than non-sprouted grain. Another plus is that it is lower on the glycemic index making it more suitable for those suffering from blood sugar issues and diabetes.

Some sprouted seeds and grains are not edible, for instance, kidney bean sprouts are toxic. See below a list of grains and seeds safe to sprout.

There are three main differences between sprouted grain and whole grain:

  • sprouting activates food enzymes;
  • sprouting increases vitamin content, and
  • sprouting neutralizes anti-nutrients like phytic acid which bind up your ability to fully absorb minerals.

When grains, seeds and nuts are germinated, their nutritional content changes and, if they are kept un-cooked, they retain their natural plant enzymes which boost metabolism and give the body a much needed increase in vitamins and minerals. The enzymes present are beneficial for helping aid in the digestion of the seeds and nuts in the digestive tract. As well as retaining the enzymes, they also retain the nutrients that would otherwise be destroyed by cooking. Sprouted grains, seeds and nuts also encourage the growth of good bacteria, known as pro-biotics, which help to keep the colon clean, and are high in protective antioxidants.

Use sprouted grains as part of a balanced diet. Sprouted grains are raw vegetables so check for freshness and hygiene when shopping as you would with ordinary vegetables - as well as when sprouting at home.

Sprouts, as well as being very digestible, are a good source of fiber and protein, and are high in vitamins and minerals. As an example, sunflower sprouts are high in vitamins A and C, while mung bean sprouts are high in vitamin C, iron, and potassium. Most seeds are high in phosphorus, which is important for alertness, increased mental abilities, and healthy bones and teeth.

When cooked, wheat can cause mucus buildup, allergic reactions and even constipate the digestive tract, reducing the ability for the body to absorb the nutrients. In its sprouted form, the starch is converted to simple sugars, easier to for the body to break down into energy, meaning that many wheat intolerant people are able to eat sprouted wheat bread without any problems.

Flourless bread is made with grains and legumes that are sprouted before grinding into flour. Sprouted grains have increased vitamin and nutrient content because the seed is first sprouted, making it alive and active in its growth process, allowing the ground meal to retain those nutrients.

Some of these sprouted grain breads take on a very sweet taste because sprouting changes some starches in grains to sugars. In addition, the bread is moist and is made without yeast. The bread can also be made with no or low salt, and it is sometimes flavored with raisin and cinnamon to make the bread almost dessert-like. Sprouted breads are generally denser, allowing the fruits to evenly spread throughout instead of sinking to the bottom.

Sprouted grain breads incorporate ingredients in the most unrefined stage possible. This is why these sprouted grain breads are often referred to as live food. They do not contain highly processed flours and the nutrients have not been stripped from the grain and then added back into the product later on.

Sprouted grain breads are very healthy. For the most part, sprouted grain breads use organic ingredients and are grown without pesticides and herbicides. They have a low glycemic index of about 45 and are low in saturated fat.

The sprouted grains used most often for these flourless breads include wheat, millet, and spelt. No matter if you use the sprouts on a salad, just as they are, or grind them into flour for baking purposes, having a regular diet consisting of sprouted grains is beneficial to optimal digestive health, and they taste great too.

Sprout seeds at home. Add some raw sprouted grains and seeds to salads for extra nutrients. Make a zestier vegetable soup with some sprouted alfalfa, and nutritious stir fries with bean sprouts. You can find top selling seed sprouters, or grain sprouters, to make the job easier, or improvise.

Grains and seeds you can sprout

This is a list of grains and seeds you can sprout safely:

azuki bean
barley grass, often sprouted commercially for producing juice or juice powder
cress, the garden variety
chickpea also known as garbanzo bean
lemon grass
milk thistle
mung bean
wheat grass, usually for producing juice
kamut, which is a type of ancient wheat

Raw food

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