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Alcoholic beverage made from fermented grape juice.


Storing wine

If you only buy wine for your own pleasure or for a particular event, and take care to consume your bottles within a reasonable time frame, don’t worry, almost all bottles will survive in a cupboard for around 12 months -the wine is likely to deteriorate if left longer.

Wine and health

As far back as 450 BC, physicians have recommended wine to combat fever, disinfect wounds and provide nutritional supplements. But Greek science also taught that the stars moved on heavenly spheres, so one has to be careful. Has anything been learned since?

Wine and chocolate

Wine has long been paired with fruit, meat and other fine foods. But pairing with chocolate has a relatively recent, and controversial, history. There are those who insist that the twain should never meet. Nevertheless, there are wines and chocolates that make perfect partners.

Wine and beer

Cornell University offers an advanced course titled 'Understanding Wine and Beer'. Topics covered range from the history of viticulture to the microbiology of fermentation to the neurobiology of taste, along with the expected lectures on chemistry, color and tasting methods. Clearly, the two most popular alcoholic drinks have arrived.