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Food and nutrition.


Sodium gets a lot of negative attention so much that unfortunately, people forget that it is classified as a major mineral.


The other members of this family include sodium and chloride. Unlike sodium and chloride which are found mainly in the body fluids that surround cells, approximately 95% of the body's potassium is stored in the body fluids inside the cells. One of the most important roles of potassium is its ability to control how the nerves and muscles act.


While many people think Calcium is the mineral responsible for ensuring proper bone growth and maintenance, it actually does not perform this task on its own. Calcium works alongside phosphorous.


ron, as many already know, is essential for healthy blood. Iron also has other important functions and curious facts.


Iodine is a trace mineral meaning that while it is an important component of many bodily functions large quantities are not needed to carry out these crucial efforts. In fact, iodine is thought to be such an important mineral that the US government came up with an ingenious way to ensure Americans get an adequate supply: Legislation recommending that iodine be added into table salt was passed.