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Spring on your summer table

Fresh vegetables for the barbecue, healthy salads on the side, herbs for rubs, marinades or dressings and fruit desserts, show it off! Come the summer issue, we will organize a true garden party where a good part of the menu came from containers or plants intermingled in the borders of your backyard.


Pungent, fragrant, somewhat bitter flavor, it flavors fish, meat, couscous and vegetables in Middle Eastern cuisine, essential ingredient in most Indian curry powders or in chili powder from Mexico, where it also makes an stellar appearance in sauces, with chicken, pork and enchiladas.


The basic vinaigrette is prepared using only vinegar, oil, salt, and pepper. For the variations suggested, prepare first the basic vinaigrette, mixing the other ingredients later.


Coffee has a slightly bitter flavor, although full and highly aromatic, when infused as a drink or used in cakes, ice cream, desserts and baking as a flavoring.