Spring on your summer table
Early Spring planting results in the summer bounty.
Fresh vegetables for the barbecue, healthy salads on the side, herbs for rubs, marinades or dressings and fruit desserts, show it off! Come the summer, we will organize a true garden party where a good part of the menu came from containers or plants intermingled in the borders of your backyard. Fresh, flavorful and grown to your specification, you are sure this is real organic food.
Plan a barbecue or garden event and invite friends and family to show off the fruits of your labor and enjoy together a wonderful home-grown dinner.
What will be on the menu?
Think char-grilled zucchini, eggplant, peppers or tomatoes, roasted new potatoes, or onion and potato parcels accompanying some lemon and rosemary chicken.
A bounty of salads displayed on the buffet, including a simple yet refreshing lettuce, tomato and onion salad, Greek salad and shredded carrot and parsley salad.
Finish with some fruit dessert, if you have started some strawberry baskets, we will have strawberry and marshmallow kebabs dipped in thick chocolate sauce, strawberry parcels or we will serve them plain, with vanilla whipped cream.
Never is too late to start your kitchen garden
Spring is the ideal time to start a kitchen garden. Don't despair if you haven't go to it yet. It is not very difficult to grow vegetables in containers and there are many suitable for the barbecue you can grow yourself. Start with the easy parsley or find how to grow your own herbs if you are interested in a wider variety. Vegetable gardening can be for everyone. Surely there is something you can grow, even if it is only parsley for garnishing.