Cooking questions and answers.
Heat resistant glass
I am trying to decide whether to buy clear glass or colored dishes for baking to just chilling jello, make casseroles, etc. Is clear glass safer? What about stone?, from Leidy.
Cooking with foil
How do I use aluminum foil for cooking? Someone said I need to wrap the food with the shiny side in, from Helen, CA.
Cooking live lobster
How do you cook lobster? I've been told you need to cook it alive. From Lucybon, TX.
Goose eggs
I have been given some goose eggs. How do I use them for cooking? Does anyone have recipes?
Boling eggs with pasta
Can you hard boil a egg in the same water with lets say pasta at the same time will it affect the pasta?
Pasta free from tomato
Can you give me pasta recipes without tomato sauce? My children are sensitive to tomatoes and they are bored of macaroni cheese
From: Jane Doe.
Food preserving ebooks
Do you know of any good food preserving ebook?
Eggs in the cake mix
Do we really need to use eggs in cakes? Why? What can I use instead of eggs if I don't have them?
Cookies spread too much
How can I prevent my cookies from spreading out when I bake?
A sauce too spicy
My spaghetti sauce turned out way too hot and spicy tasting... is there anything I can do to reduce the spiciness in it?