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Snacking solutions for pregnant women

Pregnancy can take a toll on your body, your baby's body, your teeth, hair, nails, and skin. That's why your first job is to eat healthy.

Having healthy convenience foods around during pregnancy will make it easier to stay on track with your nutrition while keeping your health stable.

Easy and healthy snacking solutions for pregnant women

During pregnancy, it is vitally important to eat the right foods. The baby will take all of the nutrients it needs to grow. If you don't replace those nutrients, and then some, your body will suffer. Here are a few fast foods that are nutritious and delicious:


Tuna is a great convenience food. Not only is it a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, but it is extremely versatile for consumption. Great in salads, on crackers, or even right from the can, tuna is one of the best grab-and-go foods around. Just make sure it is packed in water and not oil in order to get the healthiest snack.


High in protein and fiber, beans are a quick and easy addition to any meal. There are many types of beans to suit any taste. Many beans are packaged in natural juices, which keep the additives down and the health benefits up. Choose black beans, pinto beans, navy beans, garbanzo beans, or any of the other varieties that appeal to you. Mix and match in a soup or salad for the ultimate in healthy foods.


If you are looking for some of that good healthy digestive tract bacteria, yogurt is a great way to get it. Loaded with probiotics, yogurt can prevent a loss of bone calcium, reduce the risk of high blood pressure, and keep your digestive tract healthy. That is not to mention that it's tasty and fills you up. Mix in some fruit and a little granola, and you have a full meal deal.

Hard cheese

Pregnant women should avoid soft cheese because many soft cheeses, for instance brie, are not pasteurized. Most hard cheeses are fine because they have been properly cooked. These hard cheeses are also ultra-portable and packed with nutrients. Swiss, Parmesan, Asiago, and Smoked Gouda are a few you might recognize.

Trail mix and granola

Consisting of a simple mix of nuts, grains and dried fruits, trail mix and granola are great for soon-to-be moms on the go. Packed full of fiber, trail mix will fill you up and keep you regular. Usually a little sweet or salty, trail mix and granola make excellent snacks when cravings strike. Mix a little in your yogurt and you've got lunch.


Just like fruits, fresh veggies are a fantastic, healthy snack. Easy to carry around, fresh veggies provide a host of health benefits. If you are not a fan of plain vegetables, skip the ranch dressing which is loaded with sodium and other unhealthy items and opt for a fat-free yoghurt dip. Make your own quick dip out of yogurt and add all your favorite herbs for an ultra-healthy treat.