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Vanilla ice cream


Step by step instructions for a perfect home made ice cream.


1 c cream (light cream, single cream)
1 c cream (heavy cream , double cream, whipping cream)
5 dr vanilla extract (or 1 vanilla pod)
1 egg (whole)
4 T sugar (heaped)


Heat up the light cream, (or half the heavy cream, if using) and vanilla pod, if using, close to the boiling point, without allowing the mix to actually boil. Set aside, cover and let it rest 15 minutes.

Mix the whole egg, the two egg yolks and the sugar in a double boiler. Beat them up.

Remove the vanilla pod, if using. Slowly, pour the warm cream into the egg and sugar mix, stirring constantly. Mix in vanilla essence if using.

Heat up, stirring, until it starts to thicken, about 15 minutes. When it has thickened, remove from heat, and pour through a strainer. Allow the cream to cool down.

Whip the heavy cream, or whipping cream, until it reminds of snow peaks. Reserve.

With the ice cream maker

Pour the cream in the ice cream maker and process. It will take 20-25 minutes.

Add the whipped cream to the ice cream maker after 10 minutes. mixing well.

Serve or transfer to a recipient and store in the freezer.

Making ice cream without an ice cream maker

Pour the cream into a recipient suitable for the freezer recipient, cover with foil and freeze for 45 minutes.

Mix in the whipped cream. Transfer the half frozen ice cream to a bowl if necessary, and return to the original recipient once mixed.

Cover once more and freeze for another 45 minutes.

Whip and stir the ice cream, scrapping, the sides, to break ice crystals, cover, and freeze again - Transfer the ice cream to a bowl, if necessary, and return to the freezer recipient once mixed,

Keep in the freezer until needed.

Total time
25 minutes
Preparation time
Cooking time
8 servings


If using a vanilla pod, you can open it and mix the tiny seeds with the cream.

Substitute light cream with double cream, if you wish. The ice cream will be richer but more calorie heavy.

If not using an ice cream maker, set the freezer to the maximum cold some time before you start making the cream. Let the recipient you will use for the ice cream inside. It is better to use a metal recipient to freeze the cream.

If stored in the freezer, let the cream stand 15-20 minutes at room temperature before serving. The ice cream will get soft enough to serve and it will have more taste.


International cuisine

The procedure to make ice cream in other flavors would be the same, substituting vanilla essence with the flavor of your choice, or adding that flavor on top of vanilla essence.

easy, freeze, dairy
desserts, treats
International food recipes
Food in the World