Research has found a possible link between certain artificial colors used in food and problems with hyperactivity in children. According to research funded by the Food Standards Agency, the 6 food colors most closely linked to hyperactivity in children are: E102 (tartrazine), E104 (quinoline yellow), E110 (sunset yellow FCF), E122 (carmoisine), E124 (ponceau 4R), and E129 (allura red). These colors are used in several foods, including soft drinks, sweets, cakes, and ice cream .
However, it's important to note that no conclusive evidence has been found to show that food coloring causes ADHD. Some studies have suggested an association between the two, but most likely, ADHD is caused by the combination of changes in brain structure, environmental factors, and heredity.
The Feingold diet has a larger list. There is a list proposed in the Feingold diet. This list includes some preservatives together with the food dyes.
Food dyes in the Feingold diet list
Amaranth E123 Annato E160 ( b) Black PN E151 Brilliant Blue FCF E133 Brown FK E154 Brown HT E155 Caramel E150 Carmoisine E122 Cochineal E120 Erythrosine E127 Indigo Carmine E132 Ponceau 4R E124 Quinoline yellow E104 Red 2G E128 Sunset yellow E110 Tartrazine E102 Yellow 2G E107
Sunset yellow E110 Carmoisine E122 Tartrazine E102 Ponceau 4R E124 Quinoline yellow E104 Allura red AC E129
There are other additives potentially dangerous for asthmatic people or those sensitive to aspirin that could be added to this list.
Some studies seemed to contradict Feingold's theory and conclude that a diet free of food dyes did not make any change. However, more work needs to be done in this area as there are other studies that have found a relationship between food dyes and hyperactivity. The most recent to come to mind was published in 2207 study in the UK and found six colorings common in sweets and drinks do have an impact in hyperactivity levels.
What is the Feingold diet?
Ben Feingold was an American allergist. He observed that many children with hyperactivity symptoms were also sensitive to aspirin. He postulated a diet free o salicylates -chemical composition similar to aspirin- should help those children. Salicylates are naturally present in some fruits and vegetables.
Dr. Feingold also observed that some additives, even if they were not similar to aspirin, affected hyperactive children in the same way. His approach was trying to help hyperactive children get better without drugs and devised a diet that excluded all artificial flavors, colors and preservatives, and food with naturally ocurring salicylates, although food with salicylates is only out of the menu for the first few weeks, the introduced an item at a time.
His works are controversial. Supporters of his methods claim some of the trials done to prove his theories false tested the method only partially.
If your child is overactive and struggles to concentrate, it might help to cut down on the six colors (mentioned in the first paragarph) in their diet. But speak to their GP first. If your child is hyperactive or has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), there's some evidence to suggest that avoiding these 6 food colors may help. But it's important to be aware that hyperactivity can have many different causes, including genetics, and food colors are probably only a small part of the problem ¹. Removing food colors from your child's diet will not necessarily lead to an improvement in their behavior.
If you think your child's diet may be affecting their behavior, it might help to keep a diary of what they eat and how their behavior changes so you can see any patterns. If you notice a possible link between food colors and their behavior, you may want to see if avoiding these colors helps. But do not make changes to your child's diet without getting advice from their GP first.
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There are possible links between a few food colors
Research has found a possible link between certain artificial colors used in food and problems with hyperactivity in children. According to research funded by the Food Standards Agency, the 6 food colors most closely linked to hyperactivity in children are: E102 (tartrazine), E104 (quinoline yellow), E110 (sunset yellow FCF), E122 (carmoisine), E124 (ponceau 4R), and E129 (allura red). These colors are used in several foods, including soft drinks, sweets, cakes, and ice cream .
However, it's important to note that no conclusive evidence has been found to show that food coloring causes ADHD. Some studies have suggested an association between the two, but most likely, ADHD is caused by the combination of changes in brain structure, environmental factors, and heredity.
The Feingold diet has a larger list. There is a list proposed in the Feingold diet. This list includes some preservatives together with the food dyes.
Food dyes in the Feingold diet list
Amaranth E123
Annato E160 ( b)
Black PN E151
Brilliant Blue FCF E133
Brown FK E154
Brown HT E155
Caramel E150
Carmoisine E122
Cochineal E120
Erythrosine E127
Indigo Carmine E132
Ponceau 4R E124
Quinoline yellow E104
Red 2G E128
Sunset yellow E110
Tartrazine E102
Yellow 2G E107
Benzoic acid E210
Butylated hydroxyanisole E320
Butylated hydroxytoluene E321
Sodium benzoote E211
Sodium nirate E251
Sodium nitrite E250
Sulphur dioxide E220
Food coloring linked to HA
Sunset yellow E110
Carmoisine E122
Tartrazine E102
Ponceau 4R E124
Quinoline yellow E104
Allura red AC E129
There are other additives potentially dangerous for asthmatic people or those sensitive to aspirin that could be added to this list.
Some studies seemed to contradict Feingold's theory and conclude that a diet free of food dyes did not make any change. However, more work needs to be done in this area as there are other studies that have found a relationship between food dyes and hyperactivity. The most recent to come to mind was published in 2207 study in the UK and found six colorings common in sweets and drinks do have an impact in hyperactivity levels.
What is the Feingold diet?
Ben Feingold was an American allergist. He observed that many children with hyperactivity symptoms were also sensitive to aspirin. He postulated a diet free o salicylates -chemical composition similar to aspirin- should help those children. Salicylates are naturally present in some fruits and vegetables.
Dr. Feingold also observed that some additives, even if they were not similar to aspirin, affected hyperactive children in the same way. His approach was trying to help hyperactive children get better without drugs and devised a diet that excluded all artificial flavors, colors and preservatives, and food with naturally ocurring salicylates, although food with salicylates is only out of the menu for the first few weeks, the introduced an item at a time.
His works are controversial. Supporters of his methods claim some of the trials done to prove his theories false tested the method only partially.
Read and form your opinion.
Managing ADD with diet
If your child is overactive and struggles to concentrate, it might help to cut down on the six colors (mentioned in the first paragarph) in their diet. But speak to their GP first. If your child is hyperactive or has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), there's some evidence to suggest that avoiding these 6 food colors may help. But it's important to be aware that hyperactivity can have many different causes, including genetics, and food colors are probably only a small part of the problem ¹. Removing food colors from your child's diet will not necessarily lead to an improvement in their behavior.
If you think your child's diet may be affecting their behavior, it might help to keep a diary of what they eat and how their behavior changes so you can see any patterns. If you notice a possible link between food colors and their behavior, you may want to see if avoiding these colors helps. But do not make changes to your child's diet without getting advice from their GP first.