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Cinnamon & cassia

Strong, sweet, piquant flavor, one used in Western cooking mainly in desserts, baking, with fruit and in punches, essential in many Arab or Indian spice mixes, flavoring also meat and vegetables in their cuisines.

Celery seed

Distinctive aroma and a bitter flavor than the fresh stalks, found in the form of flavored salt -ingredient in the Bloody Mary- and in soups, sauces, savory baking or marinades, especially for a barbecue.


Hot and fierce with a warm light orange color, spices up fish, shellfish, boiled eggs, vegetable or cheese dishes; essential condiment in deviled sauces.


A spice with a warm and slightly heady piquant flavor; appears in curries, savory rice dishes or coffee in Indian and Middle East cuisines, found in pastries, buns or punch in Western cooking.


The seeds of a plant in the parsley family. They have licorice flavor. Caraway is used in rye bread, pickles, sauerkraut, pork and duck dishes.


Tastes much better than what its unpleasant smell suggests. Once cooked the flavor is a blend of garlic and onions. Used in Indian cuisine, mainly in vegetarian curries or lentil dishes.


The flavor is a mixture of nutmeg, cinnamon and clove. Used worldwide in pickles; stews and casseroles; broths for meat and fish; in cakes, puddings, relishes and chutneys.


Myrtle leaf is a herb widely used around the Mediterranean. Its bitter rather than sweet taste calls out for thriftiness in its use.