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Turkey gravy

Stock made out of the same turkey giblets is the base for perfect turkey gravy.


  cooking fat (pan juices from roast turkey)
2 1⁄4 c broth (turkey giblet stock)
  seasoning (salt and pepper to taste)
2 T flour


  1. Pour turkey juices from the roasting pan into a sauce pan, draining off excess fat from the top. Leave about 1-2 tablespoons fat, more will make the gravy heavy.
  2. Add flour and mix well, cook, stirring briskly, for 2 minutes. Whisk in stock then wine, when stock has been absorbed.
  3. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for 8-10 minutes. It should be slightly thickened and smooth.
  4. Season with salt an pepper and transfer to a sauce bowl.
Total time
20 minutes
Cooking time
Preparation time
8 servings


The best wine to use is the same you will serve with dinner. If you will serve only Champagne, choose a white wine. White wine feels lighter in the gravy and it is our preference, but red wine also makes an excellent gravy; there is nothing against red wine.


North American cuisine

sauces, dinner, celebration
American food recipes
Food in U.S.A.