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Flavoring foods with spices

Spices can be such a mystery to many people who are trying to put together a meal that has an enjoyable flavor. What tastes good with what food? Spices don’t look appetizing enough to have a spoonful of them to see how they taste. How they taste in their natural form is not necessarily the same flavors given when cooked in a meal.

Home winemakers

Home winemakers are on the rise. Though the professionals of wine still imbue their work with passion and skill, amateurs, with the help of modern technology and knowledge passed down over generations, can often approach similar results

Homemade wines for all occasions

The wine experts agree that wine ideally needs to be matched to the occasion, or if it’s to be served with a meal, matched to the menu. There is a lot of wine snobbery about, and you don not have to stick rigidly to the wine rules, but thinking through the kinds of wine you can make, and what different types of wine complement well, can be useful.

Citrus garden

There is something thrilling about growing a citrus garden at home. It almost defies nature. I think that's because when you think of citrus, you inevitably imagine a sunny oasis where citrus trees line an orchard and the fragrance overwhelms you with every step.