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Green pepper, tomato and ham Spanish omelet

This omelet does not have a potato filling, other vegetables are used, and some cream is added for texture.


3 bell pepper (green, washed, seeded, cut into thin strips)
3 tomato (blanched, peeled, seeded, and diced)
2 sli ham (cooked or cured ham, cut into strips)
4 egg (lighlty beaten)
2 T cream
  seasoning (salt and pepper to taste)


  1. Heat up 3 Tbs oil, add peppers and diced tomato, cover and simmer on a low heat for 15 minutes. Drain.
  2. Beat together eggs and cream in a bowl. Add ham and cooked pepper and tomato to the eggs, season and mix.
  3. Heat 2 Tbs oil in a frying or omelet pan. Add the egg preparation and cook for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Turn over with the aid of a plate and cook for a further 1-2 minutes.
  5. Serve warm.
Total time
35 minutes
Cooking time
Preparation time
4 servings


This recipe serves six people as a side dish, four as an appetizer or main, accompanied of a salad, and two people as main course.

You can easily turn this reckipe into a variation of a Spanish potato omelet by following the indications on Spanish omelets about how to cook the potatoes or how to flip over the omelet.


Spanish cuisine

moderate, pan fry
eggs, vegetables, comfort
Spanish food recipes
Food in Europe